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Social Interactions

Social Interactions involve more on our relationships with people both casually an intimate.

Prejudice and Discrimination

Prejudice are the negative attitudes held by a person about a member of a particular group while discrimination is treating people differently because of prejudice toward the social group to which they belong. Prejudice and Discrimination are the cause of sexism, racism and more. Basically the prejudice happen because of existence of ‘In-groups’ and ‘Out-groups’ in other simpler word ‘us’ and ‘them’. In a school for an example, the cool kids refer them as us or in-group and the nerds are the out-groups. Because of their differences in certain aspect, prejudice and discrimination happen. Scapegoating refers to the tendency to direct prejudice and discrimination at out-group members who have little social power or influence. New immigrants are often the scapegoats for frustration and anger of the in-group

Liking And Loving.

For those who are single, it is better for you to focus on ths subtopic. If prejudice explain why we hate other people, liking and loving explain why we like or fall in love with some one. Having the desire to form a relationship with someone is called interpersonal attraction. There are a certain rules in how people could get attracted to each other and it is called Rules Of Attraction.
Proximity and Physical Attractiveness

1.       Proximity  People who are closer to you are more likely to form a relationship with you for example in you class or workplace. Proximity refer to being physically near to someone else.
2.      Birds Of Feather ( Similarity) Those who have much in common have higher tendency to form a relationship because people like to be around those who have similiar belief or interest.
3.   Opposite Attract (Complementary) Some people attracted to those who are different form themself for example people who are always serius attracted to someone playful this is because they complete each other in all their flaws.
4.       Physical Attractiveness This is the fundamental of liking someone. Similar to impression, we attracted to their physical attractiveness (according to personal preferences) and we select them because we want to know them better.
5.       Reciprocity Of Liking The tendency to like back people who like you. For example, you know a girl like you in your school; you tend to like her back. This is because when you know , she likes you, you would treat her differently in a positive way and after time come, liking would be nurtured.

Love is a Triangle

Love have many definitions. Dictionary define it as strong affection for another person due to kindship, personal ties, sexual attraction, admiration, or common interests. However, according to Robert Sternberg love is a combination of Intimacy, Passions and Commitment and by making different type of combinations different type of love can be form.

Intimacy Feelings of Closeness that one has for another person or the sense of having close emotional ties to another. Intimacy more to Psychological.

Passion Emotional and sexual arousal a person feels toward other person. Passion more to physical such as sex, holding eyes, loving looks and hugs.

Commitment Involves the decisions one making about the relationship. For short term decisions maybe “ Im in Love” but for long term “ I want to live with you for the rest of my life”.

By combining these three types of love with different combinations, one can have different type of love.

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